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Mrs Bowden’s top tip – keeping your tailor’s chalk in tip top condition

Mrs Bowden’s top tip – keeping your tailor’s chalk in tip top condition

Tailor’s chalk is a hard chalk used to make temporary markings on cloth or a garment.  It’s traditionally made in a triangular shape so you have 3 sides of equal length and it fits into the hand nicely.

After much use the sharp edges wear down meaning that less accurate marks can be made and the chalk can drag across the surface of the fabric causing a jaggered line to be formed.

You can often buy sets that have a number of different colours but BEWARE as the lines created by coloured chalks can be difficult to remove!

A vegetable peeler is your greatest asset for keeping your chalks in tip top condition.
As the blade of the potato peeler is angled it creates a sloping edge resulting in a fine and sharp line running along the side of the chalk.
Corr – that’s a sight for sore eyes!! Lovely and sharp and ready for action.
If you happen to use one of these – or another model, collect the dust created from sharpening your chalks so you can replenish the ‘puffer’.
Keep your nicely sharpened chalk in a fold of cardboard to protect the edges.
I do hope you found that useful.

Until next time,

in stitches,

Mrs Bowden x

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