69 Bath road - Felixstowe - Suffolk
07787 981 493

Syringe Driver Bags

Bags from SEWATHON 2 2015 - wonderful!

Bags from SEWATHON 2 2015 – wonderful!

Syringe Driver Bag – instructions

For each bag you will need; outer bag 2 pieces of fabric cut 33cms x 23 cms, lining 2 pieces of fabric cut 33 cms x 23 cms, strap 1 piece of fabric 145 cms x 12 cms.  A button of about 2 cm in diameter.  Please note the fabric needs to be new and I suggest a cotton or polycotton.  The strap is very long and you may not have enough fabric to cut it in one piece, in which case please do join the fabric to produce a strap of the correct length.

Preparing the strap

Press the fabric to the wrong side by 1.5cm on all edges of the strap.  Fold the strap down the centre and press, making sure the long folded edges meet neatly and that the short edges are tucked in.  Using a 1 cm seam allowance, stitch right around the strap.

It is important that the strap is adjustable to suit different people.  We need to create 3 button holes at different positions on the strap and it is vital that the button is sewn on VERY SECURELY in order that it can take the weight of the syringe driver.  A button of at least 2 cm in diameter is recommended.  Make your buttonholes fractionally larger than the diameter of your button.

Measure and mark 3, 2cm buttonholes in the centre of the strap as follows; 4 cm from one of the short edges, 12 cm from the same short edge and 20 cms from the same short edge.

Making the main bag

Pin the outer bag right sides together (rst) and stitch the long edges of the bag and across the bottom (this will depend if you are working with a one directional print or embroidery that needs to end the correct way up – tip; mark the bottom of the outer fabric with a double pin) using a 1.5cm seam allowance.  Trim a triangle from the bottom corners.

Pin the lining fabric rst and sew the long edges together but this time we need to leave a 10 cm gap along the bottom in order to turn through the bag.  Trim a triangle from the bottom corners.


Turn the outer bag right side out and pop it into the lining.  Line up the side seams and using a 1.5 cm seam allowance stitch around the top of the bag, making sure you reverse at the start and end to secure the stitching.

Pull the bag through the gap in the lining.  Press the bag and make sure the corners have been pulled out to give a sharp corner shape.  Locate the gap in the lining and press turning in the seam allowance, edge stitch to close.

Attaching the strap.  Pin the strap without the buttonholes to the side of the bag so that the bottom of the strap is sitting 5 cm below the top edge.   Stitch in place 1 cm from the edge and also stich a cross through the middle of the rectangle so it is really secure.

Positioning the button.  On the opposite side seam securely stitch the button in place, about 3 cm down from the top edge.  Remember to slash through the middle of the buttonholes so the strap length can be adjusted.  Give the bag a final press and give yourself a pat on the back.




SYRINGE DRIVER BAGS.  Please deliver your finished bags to Felixstowe Sewing School, 69 Bath Road, Felixstowe, Suffolk, IP11 7JW where we will arrange delivery.

Enquiries; on the contact page of  www.felixstowesewingschool.co.uk/contact

Mobile; 07787 981493

This year we made more than 200 bags for the hospital and they have a constant need for them!

Last year we made over 150 syringe driver bags for Ipswich Hospital as well as contributing to a wonderful SEWATHON event at St Alban’s High School in Ipswich who made over 70 bags for the Hospital too!

As you know there is a constant need for these nifty bags and St Elizabeth Hospice would also like some for their patients.  The need is very real and appreciated.  I am delighted to announce SEWATHON 3!  on Saturday, 9th April.  A 12 hour stint of sewing for charity.  Sign up for a 2 hour sewing slot on the day or volunteer to cut fabric on Friday, 8th April in preparation for the big day.  As usual there will be a fabulous selection of home-made cakes and refreshments organised by the delightful Nutritional Therapist Maggie Franks of www.delicious-nutritious.co.uk (who runs excellent courses and workshops – check her out).  I dare say a little raffle will be available.

Lovely refreshments from www.delicious-nutritious.co.uk

Lovely refreshments from www.delicious-nutritious.co.uk

This is the gadget we are making the bags for.

The McKinley T34 syringe driver

The McKinley T34 syringe driver

There is a rather nifty gadget called a syringe driver which is used to administer a constant flow of medication to patients, many of whom are receiving the medicine as part of a  palliative care package. The Oncology Department at Ipswich hospital use these bags so the patients don’t have to use a plastic bag for their syringe drivers (which is awkward, uncomfortable and ugly!)….

Horrid bag

Horrid bag

Patchwork driver bag with adjustable strap

Patchwork driver bag with adjustable strap

This is where Felixstowe Sewing School comes in! We are going to make syringe driver bags for the folks up there. I’m thinking cool, lovely, fun, stylish bags which can accommodate the driver and hopefully spread a little good cheer and convenience to the people using them. My aim would be to make 100 bags on the day.



Yummy tea!

yummy tea - www.delicious-nutritious.co.uk

yummy tea – www.delicious-nutritious.co.uk

Any money raised will be used to fun further bag making.


Volunteers in action -aren't they marvellous!

Volunteers in action -aren’t they marvellous!

How can you get involved?

Sewing – sign up for a 2 hour slot on the day to join the production line by dropping me an email via the website or pm on facebook (facebook/felixstowesewingschool) or tweet me twitter/felixstowesew or call me 07787981493   PLEASE tell me which slot you would like, I need 10 people per slot.

sewing up syringe bags, feeling great!

sewing up syringe bags, feeling great!

9am to 11am

11 am to 1pm

1pm to 3 pm

3 pm to 5pm

5 pm to 7pm

7pm to 9pm




Cutting – volunteer before the date to cut and prepare the bag fabric, contact me using the methods outlined above. I’m hosting a cutting day on Friday, 8th April, either volunteer for the morning slot 10-12 or the afternoon slot 1-3, please let me know which slot you would like.

Fabric donation – the fabric MUST be new and unused. You can give 1/2 metre or more of medium weight cotton.  The ages of and genders and therefore, tastes, of the recipients vary greatly so we can have some crazy stuff as well as classic!!    The nearest actual shop is The Little Fabric Shop, Beach Station Road, Felixstowe. www.thelittlefabricshop.co.uk.

Raffle prize – donate a lovely raffle prize by dropping it off to Felixstowe Sewing School, 69 Bath Road, Felixstowe, IP11 7JW. Please contact me if you would like me to organise collection of the prize.

Cake – a home-made cake or biscuits for the tea party would be most welcome, please drop off on the 8th April or on the day but it would be extremely helpful if you could let me know what you are intending to make so that we can cater accordingly.

Money – we will need cash to purchase threads and fabric to supplement the donations and also to fund the continuation of the project. You can donate here via paypal or by dropping off your donation at Felixstowe Sewing School, 69 Bath Road, Felixstowe, Suffolk, IP11 7JW. I’ve created a paypal option so you can donate in increments of £2.00.  THANK YOU!

Sharing – publicising the event is going to be essential to the success so tell a friend!!!!

This is what we did last year……..thank you! xx



7 Responses

  1. Jacqui says:

    Hi Amanda – I can sign up for any two hour slot from 1-3pm onwards and will bring a dress worth of essentials – if you could let me know as soon as you know when you want me that would be good!
    Best wishes
    Jacqui Noon

  2. julie Jones says:

    Hi Amanda
    I will be interested in the 11-1pm slot.

  3. Maggie Fitton says:

    Hi, what a fab idea, would very much like to join in and help, can I bag a 9am slot, hope to bring a friend with me will that be OK?? will confirm soon.. tut ta 4 now.

  4. Liz Evan says:

    I am interested in taking part any time between 11 and 3pm if possible. I have not been to the sewing school before.
    Thank you and best wishes

  5. Jez says:

    Hi Amanda can you put me in for 5 – 7pm; I’ll bring some fabric etc

  6. louisa says:

    Hi Amanda,

    Is there anything my pupils can do? I have a small group who really want to help out whilst at school?

    Also, pop me down for an early morning slot on the 25th.

    X lou

  7. Sally Quirk says:

    Hi. 2 of us can do 11-1 slot

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