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Mrs Bowden’s top tip – perfect pocket pattern placement.

Mrs Bowden’s top tip – perfect pocket pattern placement.

Some week ago my eldest brother sent me a length of fabric with some buttons and  a note asking for a shirt to be constructed.  As you can see I have fulfilled my familial obligation and produced the summer casual shirt for him.  The question is……can you spot the pocket?
As you know Mr Tim is partial to running up a few shirts every now and then and is particularly fastidious about the correct matching of his pockets to the fabric he is using……

You may also know that he is a photographer as well as sewing machine repair man and has combined both passions to create a technique to help with pattern matching.

Mr Tim takes a photograph of the placement of the pocket and pays particular attention to where the corners of the pattern are placed on the fabric.
He then looks at the spare fabric from which the pocket is to be cut to find the corners and places the paper pattern down – comparing it to the photograph for get a perfect match!
I’ve highlighted the edges of the fabric to show you how closely you can get a match.

It’s so simple but it works beautifully.

What a clever stick Mr Tim is! 

Here I am in my swimming print dress with all my backstrokers in directional order!   

Until then,

in stitches,

Mrs Bowden x

One Response

  1. Claudia T says:

    so smart! I’ve gotten back into sewing after a long hiatus away and I hope to make a men’s shirt like this one day.

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