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I love to sew because competition…..

Way back in May I was musing about why I love to sew and thought I would like to find out about why other sewists do it!  I set up a little competition to win this cute purse – ideal for storing a few crafty bits of loveliness and wanted to share the entries with you……sew here goes.

I love to sew because…

…I was taught by my nan, who is no longer with us, and it makes me feel she is still here with me (Claire).

…it inspires me to live my dream of designing dresses in Paris.  I think the world is a better place with fluffy hand sewn owls, Christmas decorations, ginger bread kits and special snowflakes!  (Amber)

…it feels amazing to make something out of nothing and I feel resourceful when recycling old material x (Leonie)

…it brings out my innate creativity when I fashion something quite unique especially if having very little to start with (Kaaren)

…it helps feed my fabric addiction.  I love that it has endless possibilities.  I have created so many things and I know that it has endless possibilities. I have created so many things and I know there are so many more I can create.  And the feeling of seeing my children snuggled or wearing something I have created is just priceless.  It is my escape from a busy world to allow my creative side out (Elizabeth)

….it is helping greatly with my PNDt makes me concentrate on making something good, as opposed to worrying about the bad.  Plus I get a lovely bag out of it at the end (Sarah)

…it stops my waistline from expanding (until I go to Felixstowe Sewing School on a Friday). (Laura)

….I can get lost in a different world full of loveliness and I learn more bout who I am. (Carol)

…it takes me to another place! A nice place with sewing machines and fabric and more fabric!  I’m in my own little world!  I just love it! (Jane)

…I didn’t think I could! (Carol)

…..I find it relaxing and I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of taking a stash of fabric and creating something unique that you can’t buy in a shop and being able to create gifts for loved ones that you know they’ll love and cherish (Laura)

….my Grandad taught me when I was a little world and I always think of happy times sat on his lap having cuddles and sewing.  He would love to have seen my creations x (Kate)

…it soothes me (Nikki)

…it doesn’t happen often but when it does I realise I’m a crafty sew and sew! (Alison)

…it makes me push my boundaries go beyond my comfort zone and I’m always pleased with the results because it’s something I’ve made and spent time on (Carly)

…it beats doing the house work! (Lesley)

..it is a total escape (until you have to unpick).  But it is their creating something from nothing and watching it evolve.  A great destresser (Karen W)

…it takes me to a place of fabric loveliness where everything is beautiful (Michelle)

…it opens up a world of heavenly escape and is a fantastic way to meet people as bonkers as me! (Arnold’s attic)



and the winner is……..

I love to sew because Amanda made me make friends with my sewing machine!  Now she won’t let me use my glue gun! (Lucy McGregor)


One Response

  1. lyn says:

    I love to sew because its like therapy. A time just for me, to forget the world and concentrate on trying to make something halfway beautiful… and I think of my Nan, who started the whole ‘making thing’ off for me…and Amanda…who took me a little bit further out of my comfort zone, made it fun and possible and a simply sew delicious way to spend some me time!

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